
Alzheimer's Association - Colorado Chapter

Legal Case Management/Options Counseling Advocacy Financial Assistance Support Group Employment Services Caregiver Training Transportation Accessibility Services/Adaptive Technologies Counseling/Mental Health Resources Navigating Systems (i.e. Medicaid) Guardianship/Adoptive/Foster Families Respite Care Nutrition/Food Assistance Health Care and Wellness Memory Condition


The Alzheimer’s Association of Colorado is the premier source of information and support for Coloradans living with dementia and their families and caregivers. Through its statewide network of offices, the Alzheimer’s Association offers a broad range of programs and services, including a 24-hour Helpline, at no cost to families; funds advancements in research to prevent, treat and eventually conquer this disease; and advocates on behalf of Coloradans on related legislative issues, and with health and long-term care providers.

They also have a dedicated section of their website for caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's and dementia. Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or dementia often involves a team of people. Whether you provide daily caregiving, participate in decision making, or simply care about a person with the disease — the Alzheimer's Association has resources to help

Finally, the Alzheimer's Navigator is a tool for caregivers and individuals to find resources to help with their lives and caregiving.